Bertil Pettersson (born 1928) has, besides being active with various inventions, carried out an extensive curative activity to help many fellow-beings with health problems, which the general medical care has not been able to solve.
It all started when he as a young man witnessed how some severe cases of illnesses – including his own back – by use of homeopathic energy remedies, could be brought to an exceptionally quick healing. This opened his interest to try to understand and to influence the energy flow of the human body, its bio streams. Besides being active as a craftsman and manager of the family business, he started studies of a wide range of medicinal literature. At the same time his inclination for experiments and search of knowledge re positive and negative powers of nature increased: earth energies, the sun- and planet systems, electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation and the effects which these signals have on us, human beings.
Bertil has found, that the exposure to the multitude of environmental electro smog of today, is the main factor why so many persons he has tested, have high frequencies in the right half of the hemisphere. This unbalance results in signal defects in the function of the cells and causes illnesses which often are hard to explain.
Many testimonials confirm that, by use of Bertil´s various inventions, the correct energy balance can be restored and give the right signals to the various organs of the body: The PlusMinus balance.
Bertil: By balancing the environment and the person, conditions for a good health can be achieved.